Addictions Suite
Our Addictions Suite was developed with the help of clinical psychologists working closely with our development team to create a state of the art virtual reality exposure treatment system for patients with substance use disorders.
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Benefits of Exposure Treatment in Virtual Reality
Makes Possible the Impractical
With rich functionality and robust options, our Phobias Suite incorporates multisensory exposure elements of 'feels like real' environments into your office, without real world constraints.
Increased Treatment Response
Environments that allow for patients to add their unique memory overlay increase the potency of exposures, improve treatment response, with reduced resource demands.
Client Preference
Clients report higher engagement and preference for VR enhanced therapy protocols*
Included Applications:
Safely guide your patients through experiencing a Bar/Restaurant environment where they will be exposed to different alcohol triggers.
Guide your patients through a party sceneario where they will encounter people offering alchocol.
Immerse your patients in a home environment where they are surrounded by alcohol and nicotine triggers.
Let us help you get the best experience!
We offer several hardware solutions that will let you take full advantage of what our software can do. Check out our offers and don't hesitate to contact us so we can recommend the best product for your practice.