Research Collaborators
Our research collaborators represent some of the most prestigious academic and research universities, treatment facilities, and clinical organizations.
If you are interested in discussing a collaboration we would love to hear from you.
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Margo Adams Larsen
Kansas City Center for Anxiety Treatment (KCCAT)
Key Collaborator: Lisa Hale, Ph.D.
Founder & Director, Kansas City Center for Anxiety Treatment, P.A.
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Funded Project: “Web-Based CBT for Childhood Anxiety: A Family-Led Approach”
(1R43MH098470-01, 5R43MH098470-02)
Funding Agency: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Anchors Away
The Anchors Away application was developed to deliver family education and self-help tools for improving responces to common worries, fears, and other emotional health features in children.
University of Central Florida
Key Collaborator: Deborah Beidel Ph.D., ABPP
Pegasus Professor of Psychology and Medical Education
Associate Chair for Research
University of Central Florida
Funded Project: “Virtual Environments for Childhood Social Phobia” (1R41MH094019-01, 5R41MH094019-02 )
Funding Agency: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Pegasys is an interactive virtual school that provides opportunities for children with social anxiety to practice social skills.
Brown University, The Miriam Hospital (Lifespan Partners)
Key Collaborator: J. Graham Thomas, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (Research)
Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Funded Project: “Experience Success: Virtual Reality to Enhance Internet Weight Loss” (1R41HL114046-01)
Funding Agency: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Experience Success
Experience Success is an interactive program designed to teach adults how to manage their weight.
Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital (Lifespan Partners)
Key Collaborator: Larry K. Brown, M.D
Director of Child, Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry Research Department of Psychiatry,
Rhode Island Hospital Professor,
Alpert Medical School of Brown University Young Adult Behavioral Health Program
Funded Project: “Digital Star: HIV Prevention for Youth in Mental Health Treatment” (1R44MH102140-01)
Funding Agency: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
D*STAR is a fully automated digital platform designed for use in the classroom, guiding teens through an engaging series of lessons and activities designed to teach HIV prevention to teens at risk.
Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital (Lifespan Partners)
Key Collaborator: Elizabeth L. McQuaid, Ph.D., ABPP
Director, Brown Clinical Psychology Training Consortium
Associate Professor (Research)
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Alpert Medical School, Brown University
Funded Project: “Web-based and Interactive Virtual Environments for Children with Food Allergies” (1R43HD075524-01)
Funding Agency: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD)
Food Allergy Adventure
The Food Allergy Adventure App is an interactive program for school-aged children with food allergies. It usues animated lessons and games to teach children critical skills, such as negotiating peer pressure, asking for help, reading labels, and identifying common symptoms of food allergies.